Posca Vs Copic Markers: How To Choose The right One?

If you follow any DIY blog you have probably heard of the Uni Posca markers before.

They can be used on almost any surface.

And they are cheap too!

But are they a good alternative to the popular Copic markers?

Let’s see which is better: Uni Posca or Copic markers.

What are Uni Posca Markers?

The Uni Posca markers are made by a Japanese company called Mitsubishi Uni makes.

They are well known (at least in Japan) for their pens, brush pens, and markers.

Although most of their products are only sold in Japan, the Uni Posca paint pen has become popular abroad as well.

What makes them different compared to other art markers is that they use a water-based ink, instead of alcohol like most art markers.

Therefore, these markers behave completely different and it’s almost like working with acrylic paint.

Different colors can easily be mixed together while the paint is still wet, and the paint can be diluted with water if you want a lighter color.

Below you can find a quick overview on the Posca markers:

posca marker review

Posca Vs Copic markers

When it comes to high-quality art markers, Copic has been at the top of the list for a long time.

I have never met any artist that doesn’t love working with Copic markers.

Something that nobody love though, is the price of Copics.

That’s why I’m always on the lookout for some cheaper art markers.

Posca Markers

  • Water-based
  • 35 colors
  • Not refillable
  • Works with many surfaces
  • Affordable

Copic Markers

  • Alcohol-based
  • 358 colors
  • Refillable
  • Best for paper
  • High price

Marker ink

The Uni Posca markers contain a water-based acrylic ink, while the Copic markers contain an alcohol-based ink.

But what does this mean?

Let’s start with alcohol-based inks.

These are great for crafts and DIY because they can be used on many surfaces.

Working with them feels similar to watercolors. For example, you can dilute the ink with water to create lighter colors.

Moreover, water-based inks are normally washable and non-toxic, they are also often used by young children.

However, they do have some downsides as well.

They can take long to dry, often leave visible streaks, can damage/soak paper, and some of the colors can be a little dull.

Alcohol-based inks on the other hand are made for artists and illustrators.

They blend smoothly, dry quickly, and don’t leave streaks.

And if you use the right paper, they don’t bleed through the page either.

If you want to know more, you can read my article on alcohol vs acrylic markers.

Uni Posca Markers

  • Water-based ink
  • Works on many surfaces
  • Child-friendly
  • May leave streaks
  • Can damage paper

Copic markers

  • Alcohol-based ink
  • Blend well
  • Dries quickly
  • No streaks
  • Doesn’t damage paper

Color range

The Uni Posca markers are available in 35 colors, while Copic markers are available in 358 colors.

That’s right, Copic markers come in 10x more colors than Posca markers.

Of course, if you are just starting out you won’t need that many colors.

But it’s nice to know that if you really need a specific color, there will always be a Copic marker for that.

Don’t take me wrong.

You can do a lot with just 35 colors.

But if you want smooth color gradients, it probably won’t be enough.

Note: only Copic Sketch markers are available in 358 colors. Other types of Copic markers have slightly fewer colors.

Uni Posca Markers

  • 35 colors to choose from

Copic markers

  • 358 colors to choose from


Both the size and shape of the marker nibs are important because they determine what lines you can and can’t make.

The first important difference between Uni Posca and Copic markers is that Copics are dual-ended while Posca markers are not.

So Copic markers already come with two nibs when you buy them.

You can choose between fine nib + brush nib and fine nib + chisel nib.

Posca markers only come with a single nib.

Fortunately both markers have replaceable nibs.

So you can always change to the right nib for the job.

In total there are 9 different nibs for Copic markers, while there are 7 different nibs for Posca markers.

Note: only the Classic Copic markers are compatible with all 9 nibs. Other types of Copic markers can only use 2 or 3 nibs.

Uni Posca Markers

  • One-sided
  • Comes with 1 nib
  • Replaceable nibs
  • 7 nibs to choose from

Copic markers

  • Dual ended
  • Comes with 2 nibs
  • Replaceable nibs
  • 9 nibs to choose from


Copic markers were originally designed for manga artists.

As a result, they work the best on thick paper that can handle a decent amount of ink.

You could use Copics on fabric or some other materials, but it just doesn’t look as good.

Uni Posca markers on the other hand work great on many different surfaces, such as:

  • Paper
  • Stone
  • Ceramics
  • Glass
  • Fabric
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Wood

That’s why Posca markers are they are so great for DIY projects and crafts.

Uni Posca Markers

  • Can be used on many surfaces
  • Very versatile
  • Consistent results

Copic markers

  • Works best on thick paper
  • Not so great on anything else


The cost of both art markers depends on whether you buy them individually or in a set.

But roughly speaking, a Uni Posca marker costs around $2.00 ~ $2.50 while Copic markers are roughly $3.50 ~ $4.00.

So Uni Posca markers are roughly 30% cheaper.

If you are buying a complete set of markers, that can make a huge difference.

In the long run, the real price of Copic markers comes down a little bit.

This is because you can refill them with ink, which is much cheaper than buying new markers.

However, you would have to refill them several times to make up for the difference in price.

Also read my article on why Copic markers are so expensive.

Uni Posca Markers

  • Cheap
  • $2.00 ~ $2.50 per marker

Copic markers

  • Expensive
  • $3.50 ~ $4.00 per marker
  • Can be refilled with cheap ink


Now that we have thoroughly reviewed the pros and cons of both markers, let’s get to the question that really matters:

Are Uni Posca markers a good and cheap alternative to Copic markers?

My clear answer is NO!

It’s not that Posca markers are worse than Copic markers.

They are just different.

If you are interested in buying Copic markers, you probably want to use them for illustrations, manga, design, etc.

And any alternative should be available in plenty of different colors, blend effortlessly, leave no streaks, and work well on paper.

In short, you want markers that are great for making art.

And that simply isn’t where these Uni Posca markers shine brightest.

Instead, Posca markers are great for DIY and craft projects.

Want to draw on stones? No problem.

Decorate your glass windows? Sure.

Write on wood? Go for it!

Both art markers are meant for a completely different audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Posca markers permanent?

The Uni Posca markers are permanent on porous surfaces such as wood, cardboard, fabric, and certain types of plastic or metal.

This means you will have to work pretty fast, because once the ink dries you can’t change it anymore.

However, if you are using a surface that is completely smooth you will be able to remove the ink by applying some water.

Are Posca markers alcohol-based?

Unlike most art markers, Uni Posca markers are water-based instead of alcohol-based.

How to use Posca pens

Working with these paint markers is similar to using other art markers. But before you using them you have to prepare them to make sure the paint is well mixed and flows smoothly.

So before you think your Posca markers might be broken on arrival, follow these steps:

  1. Shake the markers hard enough to hear a clicking sound
  2. Press the tip several times on a piece of paper to get the paint flowing
  3. Draw a test line to see if the paint comes out evenly
  4. If at any point while paint doesn’t come out freely, shake the marker again
  5. When you are finished you can clean the tip under tap water

Overall they are pretty easy to use. So if you know how to use other art markers, you will have no problem using these as well.

Why are Posca pens so expensive?

On average a Uni Posca pen marker pen cost around $2. This is considerably more expensive than children markers, because the ink in the pen is of much higher quality. However, compared to other art markers, the Posca pens are actually quite cheap. For example, Copic markers normally cost around $6~8 each.

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